Love on the Brain

how can I use afformations to find love?

• Season 1 • Episode 16

In this episode, we dive into how to use afformations to interrupt negative thought patterns and support your journey to finding love. They serve as a powerful tool to stay aligned with the possibility of meeting your soulmate, even during tough moments.

Key Highlights:

  • What afformations are and how they work to reframe negative thoughts.
  • How asking the right questions can open new possibilities for love.
  • The importance of shifting thought patterns without the pressure of constant positivity.



You know that deep-down feeling that love is meant for you? That it’s supposed to be easier than this? You’re right.

Love isn’t something you chase. It’s something you attract when you shift into the energy that calls it in.

The problem isn’t you—it’s the way you’ve been taught to approach love. I help women break the cycle of overthinking and searching so they can finally start receiving the relationship they know is out there.

That’s exactly what we do in 1:1 coaching. We clear the hidden blocks keeping love just out of reach, so it stops feeling like a struggle—and starts feeling inevitable.

If that hit home, let’s talk. Book a free discovery call at, and let’s get started on the path to the love you deserve.

Hi, and welcome or welcome back to Love on the Brain. I'm your host, Kay Van Dunk, and I help independent women who are single, divorced, or widowed Find their soulmates while staying true to their high standards. In each episode, we dive into a frustrating question you may have about love. I'll share some insights and then we'll reframe it with an afformation or ask formation to help you lift your spirits. If you haven't already, please subscribe to this pause. If you haven't already, please subscribe and leave a great pause. If you haven't already, please subscribe and leave a great review on whichever platform you're listening to this podcast on. Your reviews help other amazing singles find this podcast too. Okay, let's dive in. Um, I know that the question I get the most is more than anything, more than how do I find love? How do I find my soulmate? Where is he or she? Um, is how do I use these affirmations, which I, you know, really think is fun, which tells me you guys are really wanting to use them effectively. Afformations are basically meant to be used as a way to trigger your brain because of course you have this goal of meeting the love of your life, your soulmate, your special person, However you phrase it, you have a goal that you want to meet this person, but then your brain kicks back and asks

How, how will any of this possibly ever come together? I don't see how it's possible. And by using an Afformation, You force your brain to be your co-conspirator of sorts, your co-collaborator. Something in the part of you that just starts thinking, well... You just asked me a question, how am I going to get around to answering it? I feel like the Afformations are best when you feel a spiral happening or it's already underway to just kind of stop it. And you don't even realize a spiral is happening in some instances because your brain can be a little sneaky in those ways of just pinging you with a question when you're In a meeting at work or you're in line in the supermarket or you're sitting in traffic and they happen so frequently that it becomes insidious and it can kind of draw a little groove in your brain. Of just really reinforcing that negative thought. So in those moments, I'd like to stop them in their tracks with an affirmation. And that's exactly how I use them. In the moment you're thinking of something that's negative, your brain is starting to come up with statements or questions to challenge you and your way of being. Fight back. Or at least be, I mean, it doesn't have to be an aggressive fight back. But really fight back and say, you know what, I'm going to ask you a question that is going to help me out better long term. And whether you realize it or not, your brain really does want to answer that question in a better way. And I don't necessarily subscribe to the idea of this constant being in a state of high vibration and really, really just forcing yourself to see the positive side of everything. Because we're human and that's not always possible. I say this as someone who struggles with it now, but I still was able to find success. I still was able to find my soulmate. And I've still been able to talk my brains into other thoughts that are more helpful and get out of negative places by not necessarily holding myself to a high standard of being In a certain headspace all the time, but really just by pulling it back and asking myself different questions that make me be a little bit more internally productive and make me be... More open and conducive to finding the answers. Another way you can use the Afformations is just like you use the affirmations. You don't have to wait on your brain to be spiraling out to throw the curveball and ask it a question in the middle of your day. Right? Sometimes you have affirmations pop into your brain when you feel like the going is getting tough or just to remind yourself how bad you really are. Do the same with an Afformation, right? Just in the same way you would say, you know, an affirmation like, I am enough or I am worthy of love. You could spin out an Afformation in the same way to say, Why am I so deserving of love? Why am I ready to meet my soulmate? your brain wants to serve you. Your brain wants to answer questions. And you can really change the way you think about things if you are focused on getting to the root of the matter. so I hope this was helpful and as always I like to close out my podcast by asking what it is that you're grateful for because gratitude is the highest vibration of all so. Just take a moment and think of one thing you're grateful for. As always, I'm grateful that you are listening to my podcast and I love you for listening. And remember, when love is on the brain, asking better questions really can lead to better answers.