Love on the Brain
“Love on the Brain” is a podcast dedicated to helping single, divorced, and widowed women find their soulmates while staying true to their high standards. Each episode provides practical tips, advice, or heartfelt stories that guide you to reframe your questions and break the cycle of hopelessness, helping you attract the soulmate you deserve.
Love on the Brain
Will I die a lonely cat lady?
In today’s episode of Love on the Brain, we’re diving into a question that so many independent women secretly wonder: Will I end up a lonely cat lady? 🐱
Spoiler Alert: There’s nothing wrong with being a “cat lady” (I have my own rescue, Oliver, and I’m happily married!). But let’s get real—underneath that fear is a longing for connection and soulmate love. And that’s what we’re here to work on together.
Episode Highlights:
- The “Cat Lady” Stereotype: Why society loves to label strong, single women, and why it’s time to let go of that fear!
- The Truth About Loneliness: You’re not alone in feeling this way; loneliness is something many of us experience. But we can turn it into a time to prepare for soulmate love.
You know that deep-down feeling that love is meant for you? That it’s supposed to be easier than this? You’re right.
Love isn’t something you chase. It’s something you attract when you shift into the energy that calls it in.
The problem isn’t you—it’s the way you’ve been taught to approach love. I help women break the cycle of overthinking and searching so they can finally start receiving the relationship they know is out there.
That’s exactly what we do in 1:1 coaching. We clear the hidden blocks keeping love just out of reach, so it stops feeling like a struggle—and starts feeling inevitable.
If that hit home, let’s talk. Book a free discovery call at https://calendly.com/kayvandunk/30min, and let’s get started on the path to the love you deserve.
Hi and welcome or welcome back to Love on the Brain, the podcast that helps you transform tough emotions into questions that serve you better. I'm your host Kay van Dunk, and I help independent women who are single, divorced or widowed find their soulmates while staying true to their high standards. In each episode we'll dive into a frustrating question you might have about love. I'll share some insights and a little reframe it with some afformations, also known as askformations to help you lift your spirits. An afformation is just a question that's framed in a more positive way to help your brain search for solutions, or at least give a shift in your mindset. If your brain's to be on repeat, you might as well give it something helpful, right? If you haven't already, please subscribe. Leave a great review on whichever platform you're listening to this on. Your reviews help other amazing singles find the podcast, too. All right. Let's get started with today's episode. Today we're tackling the question that many of us have had at some point. I know I have: Will, I end up a lonely cat lady? Now being a cat lady has been in the news a lot lately, especially with the recent U.S. elections. And there's always this really negative connotation to being a woman who alone with her cats and nothing else. And I think that there's that's one way of looking at it, but another way of looking at it is that we're all looking for a love. Right? I don't care who you are. Everybody wants a feeling of belonging and to feel as though they're loved by someone. So we're going to look at this a little bit differently. How about we look at the fear of loneliness? And that's common among men and especially among independent women. It's kind of like society's way of shaming you into staying in your place and making sure that you, too are boo'd up with someone and not just living a life alone, which has a whole bunch of other routes that we're not going to get into today. But at the end of the day, loneliness is common. There's a lot of talk lately about the loneliness epidemic that was kind of kicked off by the whole COVID pandemic. And statistics might say that it's normal to feel this way, but there's a lot of other statistics that work in our favor. Number one being that people are marrying later in life. So it's only okay to be at a place in your life where you're prioritizing your needs and what you're looking for in a partner because you don't just want to get married for the sake of being married. You don't want to just be in a relationship just so that you can have someone by your side. And because you listen to this podcast, I know that even though you identify as a completely independent woman, you may be a little bit assertive. I also know that underneath it all, you are a romantic or else you would not be here today. You want a love that means something and you want a soulmate love. so you're willing to wait for it. Depending on your cultures, might be put on you that women who are over a certain age and single -- especially if you have cats -- it's just a sign to the world that you've given up and you're done looking for love. And you'd rather just spend the rest of your days locked away at home with your cat. Because it's one thing to be single, but it's a whole other thing to be a cat lady. And really it's not. You are here to create a beautiful, brilliant, fulfilling life regardless of your relationship status. I don't think it's so common for women to fear being a cat lady if they're out living life to the fullest, enjoying every minute of it. Use this time now in your singleness, of course, to work on attracting your soulmate, but to build a life that you would love to share with your soulmate. Are you living small in any way? Are there things that you're putting off or avoiding, like activities or experiences because it's something that you want to wait to do when you have a relationship or when you're with your soulmate? No, that's not who you are. You are a beautiful, brilliant, wonderfully independent woman. Live your life to the very fullest now. we are not waiting around for our soulmate. They're on their path to us. So we have to meet them on that journey. when your soul mate shows up. He really feels like he's complimenting your life and not the focus of your life. So move from a place of fear about any title Society may be putting on you to a place of abundance, right? Because you are an abundant being and you are full of light and love to share with someone at the right time. And in that time that it takes you to get to that place of meeting your soulmate. You're going to really open up and look around you and figure out what it is you can do to shift from being lonely cat lady to a wonderfully sparkling single woman. And just FYI, I have a cat. I have a beautiful rescue, Oliver, and I'm married. So that's going to be part of our reframe, right? Instead of wondering, am I going to die alone as single cat lady? We're going to change that question to an afformation. And that afformation is: how amazing is it that I'm attracting a soulmate who adores me and my cat? Okay, so repeat that afformation with me again. How amazing is it that I'm attracting a soulmate who adores me and my cat? You do get love and you do get to be with the soulmate that you are completely deserving and worthy of. Before we close each podcast, I love to focus on gratitude because it is the highest vibration of all. So think of one thing you're grateful for in this moment. I'm grateful that you tuned in to my podcast and love you for listening. Remember when love is on the brain, asking better questions can lead to better answers